Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Unable to execute aspx file on Windows 2003

Had problems executing aspx files on Windows 2003. The machine already had Windows 2003 SP2, Dot Net 1.1 and IIS installed but refused to serve aspx files although html files were being processed. Kept getting this error "Error 404 - File not found" every time an aspx file was requested.

Installing Dot Net 2.0 also did not solve the problem.

In IIS found that the Web Service Extension node allows you to prohibit execution of certain types of files. For some reason ASP.NET v1.1 and v2.0 were prohibited. Changing the status to Allow solved the problem.

Saturday, December 15, 2007

SQL Server 2005 - No Process is on the Other End of the Pipe

Had some problem connecting to SQL Server 2005 using SQL Server Authentication. Kept getting the error "No Process is on the Other End of the Pipe".

Found a solution in the following page
click here

1. Start SQL Server Surface Area Configuration Manager.
2. Click on Surface Area Configuration for Services and Connections.
3. Expand the Database Engine node.
4. Click on Remote Connections
5. Ensure that "Local and Remote Connections" is selected and also ensure that "Using both TCP/IP and named pipes" are selected.